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Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by sridhar gorantla on Jun 20, 2008 05:18 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Why are they so blind in their behavior. We need energy independence from foreign Oil, and Nuclear energy will help in this direction as well as other Advanced technologies from the Western countries.

The communists should note the kind of opposition that people are getting to their stand in the public. They looks like donot care anything for public opinion.

Look at Communist CHINA. It is doing full fledged business with USA and the west, inspite of differences in their ideals with west. But, how come our communist hypocrites are against such kind of rappo with USA?

Is it not some kind of conspiracy from communists to keep India still under developed and fall before Communist CHINA? Sick communists. Though they have some good things in them, but they are not practical.

Chinese president even advised these indian communists to think practically, when he was objected by Indian communists as China was making many transactions with USA.
By the way, if you are an educated and characterful person, then, you may involve with any one in the world and still retain your character and strength, and would not run away from dealing with the realities.

Only those who are weak and meek will run away from dealing with realities, just like our communists who want to hold to the power, by showing the USA as a daemon to the Indians.

for your FYI: in 2007, CHINA earned $120 billion by doing business with USA, which India earned this much this much with the whole world.

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  RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 05:24 AM   Permalink

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  RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by peter Ska on Jun 20, 2008 05:27 AM   Permalink

Do u know how much percentage of total energy requirement in usa is met by nuclear energy?

If USA can do away with its energy need by N-power, then why they want a clout in middle east for oil. Because there are some limitations to N-power.

U fool: Reactor from USA and fuel to feed from other countries. What would u do, if NSG in future deny u fuel anymore and u've to pay money to a USA company under the contract to maintain the reactor. Just like feeding cow for no milk.

China do business by selling their goods to usa, but we bye from such comparison is baseless

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  RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 05:30 AM   Permalink

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  RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Jairaj on Jun 20, 2008 06:48 AM   Permalink
Let our respected PM get fuel for Tarapur..before bragging about the benifits of the proposed deal...This deal is the only way Madam and her chamchas can get commission before the next elections...

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal