Now that both the party have started the talks which are taking place with the intervention of SRISRI we can surely find a peaceful solution to the problem. How about 100 % reservation based on the total caste of each state / region? By this NO ONE will feel left out and merit will have its say. That which is left over can go to a common pool which will be filled only on merit and a few percentages to the politicians to keep them busy.
RE:Let there be peace
by sathishsheshagiri on Jun 14, 2008 02:11 PM Permalink
Non sense. Now India is suffering from the reservation, if reservation is not there, then all like this problems will be avoided.
RE:Let there be peace
by Sahadevan KK on Jun 14, 2008 02:14 PM Permalink
Do not kill more Gujjars, farmers, Christians, Muslims and Communists... They are human beings.
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 01:29 PM Permalink
Reservation in government jobs is not enough. It is the private sector which employes maximum number of people. Unless reservation is implemented in private sector, goal of social justice will remain unfullfilled.
RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 01:39 PM Permalink
Tell me AONELL why you want reservation ? Plain answer , not gyan baji of what happened few hundred thousandyear back .
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 01:48 PM Permalink
Answer is plain and simple. To give representation to every segment of society. So far Gyan is concerned, you probably can not understand it because it needs a clean mind, which in your case, looks already clouded by anti reservation rhetoric.
RE:Let there be peace
by Hari N on Jun 14, 2008 01:58 PM Permalink
Hello aoneall,
Do you mean to say that rabid pro-reservationists have a "clean mind"? I doubt if you have a mind at all, which is why you shamelessly hanker after reservations citing age-old so-called injustices and atrocities!
RE:RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:12 PM Permalink
Poverty, Centuries of injustic etc has nothing to do with reservation for OBC. That is applicable exclusively in case of SC/ST reservation.
RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 01:52 PM Permalink
Representation , hello are we talking about assembly or Job . You are right we should not get into discussion. No point talking to a free loader .
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:10 PM Permalink
India is one of the poorest countries in the world and very few opportunities exist here against a massive number of eligible applicants. What is wrong if a fair and equitable distribution of opportunities can be ensured by tinkering a little bit with the selection process?
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:13 PM Permalink
Reservation in government jobs is not enough. It is the private sector which employes maximum number of people. Unless reservation is implemented in private sector, goal of social justice will remain unfullfilled
RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 02:22 PM Permalink
I have for centuries in Punjab , Brahmins were not allowed to have large land holding , some reason . Now i want reservation, 30% of agriculture land should be reserved for brahmins . This is peanut in front of centuries of aparthied against brahmin, making them landless.
RE:Let there be peace
by DN Mishra on Jun 14, 2008 02:35 PM Permalink
Brhimins were iposed Zazia Tax buy mughals.they were supressed by Muslims.Is any body talking about reservation for them on that groun?
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:26 PM Permalink
Poverty, Centuries of injustic etc has nothing to do with reservation for OBC. That is applicable exclusively in case of SC/ST reservation.
RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 02:30 PM Permalink
What are you talking , how can you comparethose days with today . In a small tiny village , where there is no electricity , no read . Whthr u r brahmin or SC , you have equal opportunity. As far OBC , hello they have maximum power and money , wherever they are . In city again you have equal opportunity . Compare APPLE vS aPPLE. Thos ewere diff time, but still before first great indiam empire ,I am talking about Maurya , we had Shudra Kingdom , the Nanda dynasty . What are you talking. You cant compare those time, with this
RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:45 PM Permalink
Before going too far in the history, look at present. Over representation of any social group in all aspects of public and private life is not a happy situation. India has to take care of it. That is why reservation.
RE:RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 02:25 PM Permalink
Hopefully Aonell , you will take this Brahmin prejudice case. Even during British Raj, Brahmin land holding was lowest. Land means money. I want to fight for Brahmins of Punjab , against the century old discrimination, which made our community poor. In all holy books , all Vrat Kathas , its always written "Drid Brahmin" means poor Brahmin . Pls take our case , our community has been made , projected poor for centuries , pls give us land . Hopefully you free loader you will our Case
RE:RE:RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:29 PM Permalink
Bramamins are over represented in all aspects of life. Where is the case of reservation for them? You should try to first understand the philosophy of reservation and then you yourself will start supporting it.
RE:RE:RE:RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:49 PM Permalink
Rahul, You are demanding reservation for Brahamins in the distribution of land and money but the reservation you are talking about is for jobs. Get it straight!
RE:RE:RE:RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 02:32 PM Permalink
Not in land, we want money land , pls give us . Pls take our case . OBC s have maximum representation , they are the dominnat force in land . We want land, check details , what i am saying is true.
RE:RE:RE:RE:Let there be peace
by Rahul Sharma on Jun 14, 2008 02:35 PM Permalink
anything can be called "Philosophy". Frankly if one need to be a rocket scientist to understand certain thing , than it should not be applied in our day to day life. anyways reservation is vicious circle, here two communities who both belong reserve category are fighting OBC Vs SC . No probs carry on .
RE:RE:RE:Let there be peace
by aoneall on Jun 14, 2008 02:26 PM Permalink
Poverty, Centuries of injustic etc has nothing to do with reservation for OBC. That is applicable exclusively in case of SC/ST reservation.