India was devided by lower-upper and Raja-Raja fights and the result was British Ruled for a long long time.......... India got Good Leaders that time to unite people and fight against British...... and won the battle.
Now India again devided by cast, religion, language etc. etc.... Who can save india Now??? Any true leaders ???
RE:Devided India
by Yogendra Mishra on Jun 14, 2008 02:19 PM Permalink
Rajasthan development is blocked by Rajasthani people in democratic India. Common man is worst affected by any agitation made by some own interested people. In Bharatpur big industries like Cimmco wagon, Sapan Dairy had run some time back and shut down after some time. WHo had affected only common labour class. Not the leaders. In the firing also who had died only common man not any top Gujjar leaders had died. This is the only platform for making familier in the local area and after some time they will be elected MLA and make money. Today's time there is no true leaders. They are winning th. false promises and take the license for makeing money for 5 years. Poor man is as it was earlier and become more poor after 5 years. From this agitataion how much loss Rajasthan is incurring, it will not be recovered in the 2-3 years. If the Col is the decipline man then how he has ordered for damaging the public property. Who will bear the loss of public property- Govt. No, it will be beared by common man in coming times. Any leader is asking for development from Center/State govt or Ministry. i.e. Dausa-Gangapurcity new B.G. line was sanctioned in the time of Rajesh Pilot but so fat no one has demanded actively to complete this project as of date. All railway projects are going on behind schedule in the state who has raised the question in the public. Ajmer-Pushkar new B.G. 15-20 K.M. line in WIP since more than 10-15 years. This is democratic India. Issues for the development sho