When somnath temple was attacked, there were more bramins than the troop of Gazni Mhd.Had the bramins dared the temple could have been saved.Similarly, if we allow these kind of communities to rule futher no one can save us!! for this resevation is a must
RE:truth is
by iamyourfather on Jun 02, 2008 04:10 PM Permalink
Tamilnadu is a progressive state and Bimaru states of north must follow the example of great leader Karunanidhi.
RE:RE:truth is
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:14 PM Permalink
Do u talking abt Gujarat...........pls check ur Economics data first..........check last years foreign investment...........and per capita income of people......TN is far behind Gujarat
RE:RE:RE:truth is
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:15 PM Permalink
modi see the Growth.. see Gujarat in 1980 and TN in 1980.. and see the growth now.. We all agree Gujarat is a rich state for long unlike TN which developed only in last few decades.. but with a agressive gowth rate
RE:RE:RE:RE:truth is
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:18 PM Permalink
I dont agree on Reservation as it is not benefiting all sector and some too misuse it...
but as a whole i hav seen many in my colleges who studied a decent course bcos of this reservation...they r from most backward area but now working in equal with brains of india
RE:truth is
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:21 PM Permalink
IF we forget chennai wht is development of inteiors................is this progress of ur state.........do hard work.........dont ask anything in free.......if we provide 100% reservation to lower cast.........can karunanidhi write down on stamp paper.......how many years he will take to remove their poverty status or social status.......is karunanidhi hving any agenda for TN...............i want to know is it in national interest..........
RE:RE:truth is
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:29 PM Permalink
As for development is concerned TN is having the best inclass plans for manufacturing Industry... This is well proved as most manufacturing Indistry prefers TN .. jus see the recent investments.. jus a decade back except Coimbatore TN didnt had any decent industries.. But just see count the investment..
ITs all happpened bcos of the Government plans .. if not pls tell
RE:truth is
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:33 PM Permalink
RE:truth is
by vox populi on Jun 02, 2008 04:12 PM Permalink
when soldiers attack, ordinary people run for their lives esp from blood thirsty cruel infidels!!Why do jehadis attack soft targets always--do they have the guts to do otherwise.
RE:truth is
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:14 PM Permalink
BJP Brahmins will never allow this to happen.. hav u ever seen them living in the villages r among the down ppl of the society..
they never care abt them.. they only want to be self..
RE:truth is
by tamil on Jun 02, 2008 04:26 PM Permalink
vox am not supporting MK or his criminal son in mdu... but u know in TN there r lot of efficient ppl in villages who r finiancilay poor to do a decent education..
this reservation helps atleast 50 % of the real low living ppl...
am writing this bcos i hav seen many so called low caste students(from remote villages without any good trasport) inducted to my college bcos of reservation and now working on par with the city guys...
RE:truth is
by Modi club on Jun 02, 2008 04:11 PM Permalink
We are ot talking abt Gazni now/////////////read article first ...........for national interst.........pls read it and write down in ur book 10 time to understand itttttttt