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Pakistan PM need psychiatrist
by Stafford Controls Ltd. on Jul 30, 2008 03:05 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mr.Bush - now you can see who is the main culprit in the proliferation of nuclear arms. As Mr.Gilani himself says that it was a mistake that Mr.A.Q.Khan had leak the nuclear blue print to Iran. Now they are asking N-deal with America. If there is india in place of Pakistan then America would have never forgive.

Everyone in the world knows that Pakistan is the only country in the world where terrorism get shelter. Even most wanted people like Bin laden and Dawood Ibrahim has shelter there. But no one do anything. Now bloody pakistan asking N-deal to destroy whole world ?????

Before taking any actions against Iran, America and all other countries should immediately put heavy sanctions on Pakistan and shall get control on their nuclear arms. Otherwise world has to see 3rd world war. It seems to me that Nostradames prophecy will become true....and the existence of Islam on this earth will be vanished.

Our children will never forgive for such big sin ever. We have already seen the post effect of nuclear war. And now if it happen again then so many innocent people will lost their lives.

Mr.Bush please condemn such demand of Pakistan and put some heavy sanctions on them. Do not give support on such demands of pakistan. Otherwise world has to see the most devastating result of it.

Pakistan has old habit to do back stabbing from its birth. Do not rely on the word of pakistan, otherwise dooms day is not far away for the mankind.

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  RE:Pakistan PM need psychiatrist
by Milind on Jul 30, 2008 03:10 PM   Permalink
america is know to be a bhai in modern world and pakistan is one of his chamchas who is ready to lick america's spit...

and India is going to take role of Big Brother soon so america is holding pakistan as his chamcha for the future...

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  RE:Pakistan PM need psychiatrist
by arshad mirza on Jul 30, 2008 03:17 PM   Permalink
USA will not do anything about pakistan bcuz it was them who braught pakistan to this..Pakistan is used by USA to counter Russia and in this process USA created this mess in pakistan...USA can not push them as the whole world knows it is actually USA responsible for this situation in there so they can not push pakistan but can help them to come out of this mess..thats what they r doing...

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Pakistan PM asks US for N-deal