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Pakistan's New Demand
by peach berry on Jul 30, 2008 02:45 PM   Permalink

Pakistan has a serious ability of crying for things.. They cannot combat their terrorists, they cannot control their country, and they talk about Civilian Nuke Deal. For all those oppostion people in Indian Parliament, should now know that their so called label of the deal being anti muslim was rubbish. Pakistan is a muslim country and now it wants to secure the deal for itself. However, they will never acknowledge NPT norms / terms and will keep on funding other countries with Nuke Techs.. Gilani should stop crying and if he's so concerned first sort out the border issues of his country.. I've to add.. that if Pakistan doesnt sort out its day will come when there will no pakistan on the worlds map..Its internally trained terrorists, external fights will consume the nation and it will break up in the same way yugoslavia did into 6 countries and even after 10 yrs its still breaking up..

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Pakistan PM asks US for N-deal