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Nuclear Deal
by kandukuri vijay on Jul 30, 2008 02:43 PM   Permalink

As long as there is curruption in both the subcontinent,neither of the nations can be sure of any thing.The trend of business men entering into politics and vice versa is very disturbing in india.,If Khan of pak has given the technology to the underprevilaged nations we have numerous people who have been working in defence and other core sectors operating for their own benifits.,These guys are working for some corporates who shell crores to them to people and govt.The Gas exploration in krishna Basin is a property of the entire nation and when NMDC/Gail/ONGC did the exploration prospects -there was very gas but when they shift on to the rolls of REL..The same is worth for 20 yrs..,The exporting of uranium,ferrous etc from the tribal belts of eastern ghats(protected area )to countries like china and re-importing the same after refinement and it speaks volumes about the level of curruption in most of the people in our nation.Let us hope the PAK would succeed in giving proper education to their citizens-which is not being done in india due to minority leaders themselves who impose undue curtailment upon poor souls and their minds and thus disabling them from mixing with the general world.Some one from should raise up for dethrowning these wicked-politicied politicians.

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Pakistan PM asks US for N-deal