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Taking cash is bad - Very Very Bad
by buzzer on Jul 25, 2008 04:50 PM   Permalink

It is not correct to transact in cash.

Income tax says any payment more than Rs. 20000 they should pay be cheque.

WHY MPs not accepting cheque?

OK , If not cheque at least pay by DD or pay order.

If that is also difficult I request Member of Parliament to please accept payments by account transfer. Nowadays all banks have core banking and also we have RTGS ( Real TIme Gross Settlement ).

All this cash business is bad - very bad.
Many many notes to count.
Some may be fake ( like the MPs themselves ).
Some may be dirty ( like the MPs themselves ).
Sometimes to count one has to lick the notes like the politicians have to lick each other's boots/chappals, etc. Licking very bad for health.

Currency notes also increase risk. On the way to house, or bank, or brothel ( to spend the money ) , the MP will get robbed. This means the money is only going from ONE CHOR TO ANOTHER. No revenue for income tax department. Chidumbrum will be very unhappy.

Also some robbers may loot as well as kill the MP and so there is danger to life. This will lead to reduction of population especially MP population.

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Trust vote: Samajwadi Party expels 6 MPs