These communist will never change. They never realised the value of their leaders. They just shout slogans and go on strike with out knowing what is behind nuclear deal.
Great scholar and a decent parliamentarian has been sent out of the party. NO Karat's or Yechury's can become a SOMNATH !!!.
Still Mr Chattergee need not resign his post. He can continue to be the speaker until 5 years term. Very sad to see the Great Man's expel from the party where he has sacrificed more than 40 years of his life. what a piety !!!!
by S R Ganguli on Jul 24, 2008 04:03 PM Permalink
I dislike communism and the CPIM policies in particular, their obscurantism. But I support the decision. No individual is above an institution. A politician is not above his party so long as he is a member of the party. The Indian Constitution does not mandate the Speaker to leave his party. Chatterjee ought to have taken the call of his party mandarins. Gomang as CM listened to the High Command and voted out the Bajpayee Govt. Thereby the sheer inconsistencey in the Constitution was exposed. Indian Constitution is a paradox. It is full of incongruity.
by vox populi on Jul 24, 2008 03:54 PM Permalink
the only thing i rememberabt somnath c when he took up cudgels on behalf of ganguly who was dropped--that was an important point for him as speaker!!!