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Expulsion of Somnath
by pramod krishnan on Jul 24, 2008 05:07 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Somnath was nominated by CPM to the speaker's post and this was supported by the rest of the house. While he is expected t obe unbiased, he does not cease to be a member of the CPM. Wen the CPM asked him to quit, he shud have complied immediately as he owes his MP seat and the subsequent nomination to the post to his party without which he wud never have bcom speaker. CPM did not ask him to behave like a partyman while in the Chair; it wanted him to leave the post so that he cud help the party at this crucial time. But Somanth was so taken up by the comforts of the post that he violated party rule which is a serious offence in the CPM and so deserves the punishment. its exemplary that he was punished promptly inspite of his stature within the party. For those who believe that somanth was very sincere to his speaker's chair, it shud not be overlooked that one of his justification for not stepping down was that he wud have to vote along with the BJP; doesnt that show how prejudiced the man is; is he fit to be a speaker and is he un biased? Its unfortunate that he is being projected as an upright man wen he blatantly exposed his bias towards the BJP while still in the speaker's post. Also he failed to stick to his own word that he wud voluntarily step down from his post after the trust vote.

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  RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by danush on Jul 24, 2008 05:19 PM   Permalink
Hi Pramod,

Your words are 100% correct. The traitor Somnath after 50years of political career is behaving like a 20year old, ignorant person. He defied CPM party. Once he doen't like party decision he should resign himself from the party, saying that CPM party line he doesn't like. The history will teach the Traitor Somnath a good lesson. There is no difference between the MPs who violated their party whips and voted for UPA by taking money.

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  RE:RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by dennis john on Jul 24, 2008 05:27 PM   Permalink
In History The name of Prakash Karat will go as one the other Henpecked Husband

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  RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by sanjeev dhiman on Jul 24, 2008 05:46 PM   Permalink
yes as per you a black marketer (read bjp,tdp & bjd mps)have no integrity becoz it's fine to be a dishonest guy...
and so people like you should hate somnath's ok.but the point is whether somnath da needs your support or not????
in my view he should not get your support as because black money cannot replace white money.
karat will regret after wards...his bla bla will evaporate within one year.

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  RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by ranjith nambiar on Jul 24, 2008 05:25 PM   Permalink
Hi pramod,
You are 100% right

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  RE:RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by Amla Plantation on Jul 24, 2008 06:05 PM   Permalink

It is a known fact that in CPM there are two groups called Kerala group and Bengal group.Karat is a Malayali and wants to get supremacy over WB party.Kerala lobby always opposed Bengal leaders like jyoti Basu.They even banned Basu's biography in Malayalam for his "historical blunder" theory.Unlike Congress leaders of Kerala who are all highly educated ones, the Kerala CPM leaders are school drop-outs and iliterates like V.S Achuthanandan (formerly a tailor) and Pinarayi Vijayan( formerly a toddy-country liquor- worker).But WB leaders are educated ones like Basu and Somnath. The fight within the party between Bengal and Kerala is reflecting in this Somnath episode.

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  RE:Expulsion of Somnath
by Amla Plantation on Jul 24, 2008 06:02 PM   Permalink

It is a known fact that in CPM there are two groups called Kerala group and Bengal group.Karat is a Malayali and wants to get supremacy over WB party.Kerala lobby always opposed Bengal leaders like jyoti Basu.They even banned Basu's biography in Malayalam for his "historical blunder" theory.Unlike Congress leaders of Kerala who are all highly educated ones, the Kerala CPM leaders are school drop-outs and iliterates like V.S Achuthanandan (formerly a tailor) and Pinarayi Vijayan( formerly a toddy-country liquor- worker).But WB leaders are educated ones like Basu and Somnath. The fight within the party between Bengal and Kerala is reflecting in this Somnath episode.

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Murmurs of dissent in CPM over Somnath