You wrote: "he best thing, is live and let live. dont suppress any one, dont hate any one, "
Golden is that what Muslims did to innocent peaceful Hindus? Why were Hindus attacked in India by Muslims? Why? Dont you think God will ask this question?
by indian on Jul 23, 2008 01:06 PM Permalink
hey you muslims are terrorists & that is a known fact. that's why u r so dirty. you believe that if you remain dirty you will get a good life in next birth.
Bottom lin eis kill/roast every muslim so that this world will be a peaceful place.
all terrorists are muslims & they should be in the list of endangered species in few years.
by pakmahaan on Jul 23, 2008 12:45 PM Permalink
I am talking about Muslim aggressors of the 10th century, in case you missed the point. Hindus never attacked anyone.
by Pradip Parekh on Jul 23, 2008 01:06 PM Permalink
hindus usually can not tell who is attacking them. vajpayee attacked the hindus when he opened india's borders to terrorists from pakistan who feel quite free to ride down into india in luxury of lahore dillie bus line. and you voted for vajpayee, right?