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confidence Joke!
by kalisankar basuray on Jul 18, 2008 12:11 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Congress is bent upon in wining confidence votes by sharing largessee enjoyed by them as a ruling party either in form of money or pious sentiment in renaming an airport in any name other than Gandhis.It's all out attention is to divert attention of the people groaning under high inflation,starvation death and suicide and food insecurity when the election is knocking near the door and the people have already tasted the glory of the great congress leader who manipulated the CBI INSTRUMENT to Quttrochi to escape with the Indian money earned for Bofors deal.I wish congrees to win this confidence vote so that it
can not pose as a martyr to gain sympathy votes in the next election if defeated in this

confidence vote.ksbasu ray

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  RE:confidence Joke!
by All Right on Jul 18, 2008 12:55 PM   Permalink
Why ved that they are the single out the Congress? The BJP already proved that they are the masters in this game in Karnataka - nakedly buying opposition MLAs, making them quit and imposing re-elections, elevating them to cabinet ministers etc

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  RE:confidence Joke!
by Umesh Sharma on Jul 18, 2008 01:23 PM   Permalink
ved is right, the seeds are sown by these congis only, narsimha rao episode is still fresh in everybody's mind, u see degeniration has been congi fault they hv ruled this country the max others hv some piddly no. of yrs to govern. karnatka still had simple majority b4 mlas walked over but upa??? v as aam aadmi hv no choice but why not take lesser devil than a bigger one??

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  RE:confidence Joke!
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 01:23 PM   Permalink
atleast we will have one stable term in Karnataka saved from Manupilations from Congis and Gowda Co.

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