Shame on these Politicians like Soren. He knows how to get maximum out of Congress now. He already has experience with Congress in the past. The court has sentenced him to Jail and he is a Criminal like most of the Indian Politician. At this moment inorder to get the number,Congress has to persue him and get him on the fold by "Hook or Crook".
The other stupid parties are also trying to get him by the same method.
What Congress has to do now is " Use him like a CONDOME" and throw him after usage.
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by sam thomas on Jul 18, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
The only thing our countrymen can do is bring Manmohan singh with a thumping majority so that he can get rid of all these oppurtunists and also prevent advani from becoming PM because that will be the begining of another round of JIHADI Terrorism because they like someone who is a hardliner ,fundamentalists flouerish under such leaders and both side benifit remember what AFZAL GURU said recentyly about advani.. The most important aspect is only talk what you can do NOT like advani always talking from his foot in mouth ...the so called AAR-PAAR KI LADAI of kargil time...such people will never rule the country properly because they have some other agenda ,for them country's economical development is secondary..keep such politicians out bring Mnamohan singh with thumping majority to keep the growth rate..
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by Chandrakant Chellani on Jul 18, 2008 11:39 AM Permalink
Does that not tell you about congress culture? it likes power more than principles.
RE:Soren Goes Hiding
by prabhat mohanty on Jul 18, 2008 11:56 AM Permalink
- We see that happening now in Karnataka.We saw before in Jharkhand and UP too.