Congress aided with BJP/Rss media is projecting a false picture of advantages of nuclear deal ,However comman man has seen through this facade Comman Man has seen growth and development of left ruled states and he wants to embrace the same in India.Same mood is reflected in survey conducted by students of GAO LIN university in kolkatta ,When they interviewed 100 people in area around CPI head quarters 97 said they want Left rule in center.This shows support for the left in cities and towns of the country.No doubt in next election Left will rule India
by Umang on Jul 18, 2008 02:34 PM Permalink
Dude someone surveys 100 people and says that the survey results reflect the opinion of 1.2Billion people.... wake up? The left is willing to sleep with BJP (speaks volumes about their morals). If the left wants to oppose, they have every right but to try and topple the govt, that is plain unethical.
by john mathew on Jul 18, 2008 02:14 PM Permalink
Growth & Development of left ruled states in what means - Mr Sahadevan from "Hartal's Own Country". Don't talk nonesense. These communists have spoiled a beutiful land called "Kerala". Send this communee to China folks!!
by jambu jambu jambu on Jul 18, 2008 03:50 PM Permalink
It is high time that Dr singh shd resign by himself to keep the high standard of public life at least to set an example to the young generation, he is not a born politician, he is an upright professinal and shd give morality before everythign else