Important deal like Nuclear deal a decision should be approved by 2/3 majority in the parliment. Simple majority is meaningless. Some one should file a special leave petition in Supreme Court and hold the decision.
RE:Important Decision before the message.
by Gazanfar Z Azmi on Jul 17, 2008 11:07 PM Permalink
The voting is for the confidence motion not for the Nuclear deal. To go ahead with the N-deal is the prerogative of the Govt in power and does not require voting in the Parliament.
RE:Important Decision before the message.
by G A on Jul 17, 2008 10:03 PM Permalink
I agree fully, a deal like this cannot be decided by a wafer thin majority, that too by murderers and thugs. It is being promoted by Congress with less than 25% seats and a an unelected PM. Atleast 400 MPs should support it.
RE:Important Decision before the message.
by Beachy Babes on Jul 17, 2008 10:11 PM Permalink
When Advani went to Pakistan few months back, he had a secret meeting with the ISI chief. Only a few people came to know about this and later, a Pakistani newspaper published a story on that. The secretary of the ISI chief even came to India being Advani's invited guest.