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Why is white racist USA killing Indians?
by Virendra Patel on Jul 17, 2008 05:11 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have knowledge that white racist USA, is waging a secret nuclear war on India.

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  RE:Why is white racist USA killing Indians?
by TheOneAndOnly on Jul 17, 2008 07:41 PM   Permalink

Becoz, USA is not able to restructure and Revive, with out Indian CEOs to its Bankrupt Companies.

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  RE:RE:Why is white racist USA killing Indians?
by Virendra Patel on Jul 18, 2008 04:48 AM   Permalink
INDIA AND SOUTH ASIA IS SET UP FOR DEPOPULATION. The Indian Government does not want us to have a healthy life. Therefore, we need facilities for detecting GM-toxins and DU induced illnesses, which we do not have.

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  RE:RE:RE:Why is white racist USA killing Indians?
by Virendra Patel on Jul 18, 2008 04:49 AM   Permalink
Why India is a prime target
India is world's largest producer of fruits, second largest producer of vegetables and milk and is predicted to become the world's largest exporter of non-GM agricultural products within a decade unless genetic contamination destroys the bio-diversity and sustainability of India’s food & feed crops. This potential market power is the greatest threat to US and European food multinationals and attempts to contaminate non-GM food and feed crops is part of that strategy to destroy India and South Asia’s emerging dominance as non-GM food supplier.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Why is white racist USA killing Indians?
by Virendra Patel on Jul 18, 2008 04:50 AM   Permalink
Why genetic contamination has been forced on India?
The National Security memo 200 [NSSM#200] piloted by Henry Kissinger in 1974, identified growing population in the Asia, Africa and Latin America as threat to US security. The genesis of Kissinger’s thesis lies in King George VI’s advisory to control population in British colonies and it is not surprising that India started its family limiting programme way back in 1952, within five years of gaining independence. Let me quote from McCauley why it has always been the core strategic issue of western elite to destroy resource rich South Asia:

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