All those opposing the Nuclear deal, have no idea of the deal.. They are just blindly following the leaders, for whome ideologies are important than nation. This is a CIVILIAN NUCLEAR deal, reactors under the safeguards ONLY will be under external inspections. These are the reactors that we will give us power. If you want to then you want to you can make bombs too.., the ones not under the safe guard can be used for military purposes.. No one can stop Us...Phew... Please for gods sake... sink this into all our heads...God Save India
RE:We need the deal SOS
by Umesh Sharma on Jul 17, 2008 03:41 PM Permalink
o the enlightened one pls tell us against the cost of reactors and uranium , how much of the country's energy requirement will be fulfilled. as per the experts by 2030 only 5% of energy will be fulfilled compared to the investment which is some lakh crores. pls donot consider others on this board fools.
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:41 PM Permalink
I nvr considered any one her as fools Mr Umesh. Dont know y u assume so. Any wy coming to ur contention. The cost of building any other alternate source of energy is way more then nuclear power.If we need more energy we have to Invest Dear Sir. Else we will have 23 hrs of load shedding
American Print Media has Estimated the Indian Market in the Period of the Deal(40 yrs) As US$ 260 Bn. that comes to Rs.11,25,000 Crores in the Next 20 Years, if not sooner.
RE:We need the deal SOS
by rangdebasanti on Jul 17, 2008 03:40 PM Permalink
u r the only fvdker knowledgeble about the deal!! * where was America in 1965, 1971, 1962 and 1999? * what the govt doing for the renewable energy sources? * who is accountable for money spent for the nuclear reactors?
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:43 PM Permalink
Dear sir, I wish you had the decency of speaking in a good debate. Using of abusive words shows the kind of person you are. I dont feel your questions deserve an answer. God bless you with etiquette's
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:38 PM Permalink
Well when it comes to military, no one will give us anything.. we have to do it Sir. This is a civilian deal, nothing to with military
RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:37 PM Permalink
Oh really!!! I have been posting here since months on hte deal. If you read well you will realise. I dont need to google. I have read the raw txt. Thanks for ur info.