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by drax on Jul 17, 2008 03:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

At best its a contentious deal and at worst it binds India in perpetuity. All the more reason for India to have a thorough debate and examine the pros and cons. But why is MMS in such a hurry?

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by alston fernandes on Jul 17, 2008 03:36 PM   Permalink
Firstly, it is binding only to those nuclear reactors that are chosen as Civilian by the government.

Secondly, India still has an independent security agenda that the deal has no bearing on whatsoever.

Third, India can pull out of the deal at anytime .. we will only lose our supply of nuclear fuel. Of course by then we should be self -reliant for nuclear fuel so it wouldnt really matter.

Its ignorance thats driving the opposition for this deal...period.

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by drax on Jul 17, 2008 03:39 PM   Permalink
Of course it is the HYDE act which is contentious and not N-deal per se. Hope you see why people say Hyde act limits India.
And pulling out of deal after investing billions of dollars? Think practical.
I am only saying all aspects need to be considered instead of rushing headlong without knowing where we are going into. Why the hurry?

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by TheOneAndOnly on Jul 17, 2008 03:48 PM   Permalink

You have Made 'The Point'.
But These People pretend to be Myopic.

It is About HydeAct and 123. Not about IAEA Safeguards Agreement.
It is about Investing in Secure Property. And Avoiding Risky Investments which happen to be in Billions of Dollars.

Can Any One Confirm the Minimum Time Period for which there will be No differences with USA - That too with out any Compromise on our Financial and Political Interests WorldWide ?

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by raj on Jul 17, 2008 03:48 PM   Permalink
please be curt and avoid expletives.

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by rangdebasanti on Jul 17, 2008 03:41 PM   Permalink
in coming monsoon soniaki chaddi shukhegi nehin.. that's why..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Is the N-deal good? Debate rages