Government not going to down, this is Lefts & Congress game. They know they have to face people with in 6-8 month. This parties are the main Rival in Kerala, Bangal & Tripura , if election come what they tell to the people . they are fighting each other in this states . after wining they sit together & enjoying power. Then they need a reason to face people & need time, so this people arrange support from S.P & withdrawn the support . if any chance to lose left will save congress. At least it is a drama noting else. all our media will support them for this drama & make confusion on people. If you think in current situation left can win more seats. In Bangal they lose above 60% of Municipal & Local bodies, In kerala they can’t win at least 6-7 seats I current situation
this is the same thing as congress,they they are going to loose big numer of seats
RE:Independents back N-deal; may support UPA
by mahabodhi on Jul 09, 2008 09:58 PM Permalink
@CRR u want immediate elections as does BJP !But r apprehensive and true also !The BJP is afraid of Communists that's for sure !See the forum most r BJP supporters who only use abusive - the most foul -thus showuing their charcter - against Communists ! What u miss is that u want both congress and communists to loose heavily !That's ur wish as u r BJP supporter like most kulaks ! In west Bengal and Kerala the most literate state - the only alterbnative to Left is congress and also in Tripura !So u can draw ur conclusions ! J&K is as usual will be against BJP !As for Pujab the Akli-BJP will loose heavily and even during last state elections the differnece was not much in votes ! Haryan ais anybody's guess !People of nonjat origin r against Chautala !Comgress failed to recognised this and made another Jat -CM Hooda !so the fight will be their but BJp is nowhere near the winning in Haryana !UP as u know is Mayawati stronghold and remains so !SP will also hold its vote bank !congress and BJP will be routed !So the real battle ground is Chattisgarh -Jharkhand ,Madhaya Pradesh -tha's why riots in Indore by BJP state govt.- and Biaher !For Bihar Lallo if aligned with Rambilas Paswan will hv walk over !But that's to be seen !Karnataka in recent elections congress has more percentage than BJP !So the fight will be tough depending upon whse side is JS-S!Maharashtra NCP will do good !al regional parties of UPA wil do good !Except SP which recently joined it !NDeal is dead n gone!
RE:RE:RE:Independents back N-deal; may support UPA
by mahabodhi on Jul 09, 2008 10:01 PM Permalink
@CRR ur BJP said that if come to power they wil renegoiate NDeal !Do u think that is possible !All that they will Renegoate will be Visa fo Narendra Modi !