it is for hindus to act and fulfill their duty as the majority population of this country, each and every patriotic hindu must come forward and do more than just condemn this.. we need to fight bangla infiltration at every place, in mumbai, north-east, kolkata, wherever...
if the hindu fails his country now, we can forget our way of life for it is under a grave threat from the sickularists and icelamic fundoos
RE:its for us to act
by SkShazid on Jan 29, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
bakshi it is not just hindu rather every nationalistic sd do that. Corrupted r btwin hindus also for ur leader like Jyoti Basu and Pranab. Sal*n ne vote ke chakkar mein bangladeshi ko paal rakha hai. Indians don have clothes in winter and Pranab adopting village in BDesh. Gandhi bano aur juta khao.
RE:its for us to act
by someone on Jan 29, 2008 06:31 PM Permalink
Plz take a note that Jyoti Basu is known as Andhakar (Andhera) Basu, as he brought DARKNESS in Waste Bengal. Pranab is a Clown, he is old and his senses are not working, he always got his position by performing Yesmanship to his Master i.e Indira Khan or Antonia Maino. He has no loyalty to his own state or the unfortunate banglapremis. He is a disgrace for the Nation.