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chinese and democratic behaviour
by Sandeep Nibber on Jan 28, 2008 03:24 PM   Permalink

As much as these gestures by high profile politicians/figures may be accpeted and appreciated, whether done in good will or with hidden agenda, are gonna have no affect on these communists. China neither believes nor understands in any change process initiated by democratic or gandhian philosphy. They dont give a damn to their own people, why will they give to some other country. No country can pressure them to do anything rather oriental community in US actually lobby for chinese interests. They have only one motto: an unconquerable china in all domains at any costs. Not only tibet is now an ego issue for them, their strategic importance in this small region is beyond U turn which has far reaching effect for whole south Asia. Needless to mention that a wit and grit lacking Indian govt screwed up many times and never handled situation well. There has already been done enough cultural genocide in tibet by Chinese govt and all Dalai Lama can do is to hold parlays with powerless political figures. Sorry but such gestures dont generate any sitautional shift. Tibetians need more aggression now.

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