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Should We??
by Lalatendu Deo on Jan 25, 2008 05:34 PM   Permalink

I live in a small town. And I can say for sure that the Scavengers, dealing with night soil etc., are absolutely not there, since quite a long time. I have visited several small places as well as big towns, but I have not seen them anywhere. I can not say for sure that they do not exist, but even if they are there I do not think it is a big issue, as is made out to be.

These are specialised jobs and the time will come when it would be a very high-paying one. The other day, the Discovery Channel was showing those people with space suit type suits, along with Cameras, go into public septic tanks doing those specialised Jobs that are not possible to work-out with a machine. These men can easily come into the category of Scavengers. Shall we kick them out from the society? Or shall we prevent them from doing the public work? Obviously, if we enact a law to punish these people or those who engage these people, it would be wrong.

But, I appreciate the article and appreciate the concerns of the author.

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How can this disgraceful situation conti