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Euphoria over PM's China visit
by Suresh Bhave on Feb 01, 2008 02:39 PM   Permalink

Far from warranting the euphoric reaction, the outcome of the visit hardly warrants a reaction. China wanting to have positive relationship in the area of nuclear energy is merely acknowledging that, with the waning of American antipathy to India's nuclear ambitions, China wants to have a slice of the lucrative Indian nuclear technology market. Whether anyone acknowledges India as a nuclear power or not, no one can deny that it is one. As for the UNSC seat, since the recent Balkan war, UNSC has become a rubber stamp of the USA. What constructive role did China, as a permannent member of UNSC, play in that conflict, could the Chinese aver the Iraq war and will they be able to avert Iran war if it is forced upon Iran? In fact, the dismaying fact is that the Chinese have never failed to subtly show their contempt for India. It was during the PM's visit that they thought it necessary to encroach into Indian border. It was a clear message 'don't think too much of all the friendly hisses of the dragon'. The Chinese have reiterated Mr. Andrew Symond's wisdom, there are no friendly relations on the test-match field.

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