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V Prabhakaran is enemy of India
by Raj on Jan 12, 2008 04:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Its very common fact that V Prabhakaran and LTTE is the enemy of India no. 1, its always seen that when LTTE is weak it desires ceasefire and talks with the Government. But in India specially all of India (except TN) LTTE is seen as a hostile enemy, reason being that it has eliminated one of the most illustrous sons of India Rajiv Gandhi. India can never forgive and forget LTTE for that sin. It is high time that India should help Srilanka in finishing the most sinful terrorist organisation from the face of this earth.

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  RE:V Prabhakaran is enemy of India
by Edwin Navaratnam on Jan 13, 2008 10:09 AM   Permalink
Kewl. After the LTTE is detroyed, what is the response of India on the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native Tamil population in Sri Lanka. is it goin gto give the nod and wink of approval, may be it me send another pece force like the IPKF to screw the remaining native SriLankan Tamils and to help the Sinhalas to ccelebrate. The Sri Lankan Tamilwere apinfully made aware of India's treachery during the IPKF period. The Indian Tamils are now only being made aware. as most them were lulled by Rajiv's death. So there is one rule for the Muslim East Bengalis and aa nother rule for teh largely Hindu Eeelam Tamils. The Muslim East Bengalis only face oppression from the so called West Pakistainis, but the EELam Tamil sare facing a worse prospect Genocide. In a another hundred yeares ther wil not be any trace of them in teh land that they lived for the past 2500 years. The Tamil North and East wil be fully Sinhalised( Like what happened in coastal Chilaw and Puttalam soon after independence) . Al place names wil be chenge from Tamil to Sinhala. All teh ancient and important temples and shrines wil become Buddhist places of worship. Thea an ancient people lived here and ruled themselves independently until the European colonsation wil be entirely erased. THis is what happened to over million Christian Armenains in Muslim Turkey duirng the second world war.The world wathced this and most of them ingnored it and still do not want to acknowledge it in fear of earning Turkey's wra

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LTTE chief may be injured, says Lanka