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Oh Benzy
by Purushottam Kher on Jan 13, 2008 10:53 AM   Permalink

Delhi, 9am on 12th January 2008.

I'm reading Rediff online news after my morning bathroom visit and failing to understand why our media still writes about this Great Stable land of pure, Benzy B!tch, Havaldar Mushy Bhai,the smart pants (retired and wearing short pants), No.1 Opportunist Mian Nawaz Sharif, Zardari-the main suspect, Bilawal-the smelly pants and Dr.AQ(Xerox)Khan,BA(incomplete) and so on....

1) What the ph&-k is going on with media!

2) How come Benzy is the Daughter of Orient? Whatz the ph&-kin definition of "Daughter of Orient"? Can anybody Explain?

3) Why the good-old US-of-A (watch out these drunken cowboy morons trying phukk dragons) trying replace their male servant with their female servant? Why did the male servant killed the female servant?

4) Why Mr.(10%)Zardari..Main Suspect in Benzy's murder; did not accept to Autopsy of BB? why he is not accepting Havaldar's visit to the Tomb? One thing I noticed that this guy is smiling, laughing and happy after his wife died. May god bless this 10% moron too..

5) Why did the Most shameless, Motherselling, No.1 Opportunist Mian Nawaz Sharif said that he would not participate in elections (b4 27-Dec) and filed nominations anyway and got rejected---- demands elections now! OK, this moron wants to be PM of all morons.

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Mush can't visit Benazir's grave:PPP