they are whipping a dead horse. communal forces vs. secularism is a contrived thingy, a non-issue. it is obvious now to everybody that politicians seek their future by creating conflicts among people they seek to rule, not serve.
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Chandra Prakash on Jan 05, 2008 06:00 AM Permalink
Politics is business, not service, my dear !
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by viswanatha seshadri on Jan 05, 2008 09:31 AM Permalink
"politicians seek their future by creating conflicts among people they seek to rule, not serve."
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Aquarius on Jan 05, 2008 06:41 AM Permalink
Communal forces vs secularism war was started the day L K Advani started his rath yatra and divided the country on communal lines. The country was just settling down and the partition riots wounds were being healed when ,for the sake of votes advani split the country again. why blame congress or anybody else now?
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by Vishwamitra Singh on Jan 05, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
Dear friend read the history of communal riots in India. You will understand that it is not the BJP but Muslim rulers who created communal divide Congress and Muslim league perpetuated it because it served them well.
RE:why indian secularist politicians can not serve india
by nitin sinha on Jan 05, 2008 07:18 AM Permalink
can you then explain why there were no riots during the ruling of ChandraBabu Naidu in AP and Modi in Gujrat (for last five years)..the momement Congress cam to power in AP there has been riots and is dead sure that Congress is soft on terorrism...