I cannot understand rabid anti congressism. Not that I am a fan of the congress party in its current avataar. A leader who cannot own responsible for a defeat in Gujarat & passes the blame down on the cadres is no leader at all. But is the option good? BJP - Walked/Bussed all the way to Lahore, when Pakis were stabbing us in Kargil. - Slept in deep slumber when Pakis were infiltrating Kashmir. - Did not have the courage to enter POK during the Kargil conflict leading to massive loss of life for our army men. If we had entered POK our loss of lives would have been 25% of what it was eventually. - Called Musharaff to Agra & treated him as state guest. - Goes to Pakistan & calls Jinnah an epitome of world leader. - Has personal friendship with a Paki leader (Benazir) so much that they exchange books & notes. Yet cant do much about terrorism. - Accompanies Hijackers to drop them home. - Doesnt support the government in its most needed moment .. read 1971 Bangladesh war. Going by these examples .. .. its a difficult choice.
RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by galilio on Jan 05, 2008 11:52 AM Permalink
dear contractor, people will not vote for congress due to its corrupt economic policy on following which made our cost of living dearer. a)allowing multinational cos to operate in local commodities market in wholesale trading. b)allowing multinational cos to import and export of all commodites.for example both cargill and australian wheat board are exporting from india yellow maize to south east asia in big quantity which pushed up local prices of maize.similarly on wheat/wheatflour/edibleoils/ c)allowing commodities forward future trading exchanges like share market to trade only essential commodities as satta business which pushed up local prices to equate with international prices to help multinationals. d)both cargill/awb are holding huge stocks of wheat in north as hoarding.govt do not care for this becouse they pay money to ministers. e)govt do not tax profits of I T software cos which made our inflation rate to shoot up high. globalisation is not suitable to indian condition.salt which was sold at rs 3 per kg is now sold at rs 10 per kg becouse it is now marketed locally by corporate/multinational cos similarly on wheat flour/edible oil ect. multinationals make money-corrupt upa govt ministers like pawar/chidambaram make money. compare this situation during NDA govt- they never allowed multinational cos to operate in local/wholesale market and kept local prices under check.becouse of UPA govt policy,many traders are wiped out of business leaving all operat
RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by viswanatha seshadri on Jan 05, 2008 09:47 AM Permalink
You are right. BJP should have separated Jammu into a separate Jamuna State and Ladakh as another separate state, of the indian union, outside of J&K and article 370. Srinagar should be a separate city state, devoted to tourism, along with kulu valley, funded for development from the centre to become the real switzerland of the east. Kashmiris will get busy making money out of tourism, the money they get from pak ISI for terrorism will look small. Youngsters should be recruited into the army in ;large numbers and posted in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur. They will see the largeness and variety of the India they belong to.
RE:RE:Rabid Anti Congressism!!
by Patrick on Jan 05, 2008 09:57 AM Permalink
I some how think islam can never appreciate a melting pot. It understands only a homogenous crowd that is forced into submission for the most part. You may want to try a different approach towards national integration