muslims don't want any controls in kafir countries because control interfere with their plan to sabotage the host kafir country. however, islamic countries want to have total control on kafirs.
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by juan on Jan 06, 2008 09:56 AM Permalink
pradip blood pakistani get lost from india , this ID is mandantory for all for all religions , U moron u r shame n disgrace to india n hindus , i m Hindu brahmin myself but i would not think second time or have regret to shoot u at ur balls , u r waste of flesh n blood. There should be only RULe , Think about INDia or Just DIE
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:14 AM Permalink
I couldn't agree more with you juan. People like Pradip are bent on destroying whatever moral fabric of secularism is left in our country. Mr.Pradip Parekh, you are no better than Islamist Fundamentalists.
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by bee suman on Jan 06, 2008 10:00 AM Permalink
in saudi arabia, it is mandetory for expats to carry resident permit with them. It is good. incase of an accident authorities know every thing about you.all western countries hsve IDcard india, where it is really necessary,govt does not excercise.