ID cards should not only be mandatory, but also digitized, and the person's finger prints taken of each individual. The time set may be too short, but, when India proclaims as the World's software engineers, it should not be difficult.
RE:What's wrong with it?
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:15 AM Permalink
Good to know that sensible still exist and continue to read rediff. Thanks Mr.Ramesh Kapoor
RE:What's wrong with it?
by juan on Jan 06, 2008 09:57 AM Permalink
perfect !! u r one sane person among lot of jerks , this was proposed by NDA govt during 1999 to have ID digitized but sadly it needs huge enormous amount of money human resource and data collection n time , so they dropped the idea . It should be made at earliest without delay .