The latest genetic information and archeological evidances are confirming what many of us long suspected. The Indian upper caste people are of Arab descent. Calling oneself God's chosen people, calling oneself twice born and also wearing a holy thread has been quite common in the Arab world. For example the Arab Jews call themselves God's chosen people, the Arab Christains call themselves born again, the Arab Persians wear a holy thread along their waist. Also the Arab looks of the top three castes in India is indisputable. Now we finally know how some Indians have long noses and fair complexion. What was hidden through history is being exposed by technology namely the genetics study and the lates archealogy dig, most notably in Syria and Khurdistan.
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Raghu Mangalam on Jan 06, 2008 09:56 AM Permalink
Kumar -- could you pls. provide us with links or references to sources where your claims are being made? That would help all of us be more informed than what we are now. Thanks.
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:11 AM Permalink
I guess this topic does discuss something more important than where we our forefathers were from. Whether we need ID proofs in Delhi to combat terrorism or not ? I don't see any close resemblance.. If any of you really do, please enlighten me
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 06, 2008 07:56 AM Permalink
What a bunch of baloney this is. First of all Persians are not Arabs. We are genetically and linguistically related to the persians (Iranians) but not Arabs. Second, ALL christians are born again. Catholics associate this with baptism... And no, Indians dont look like arabs... Arabs have curly hair and long sharp noses. Our features are softer and our hair is curlier. There is research out there that supports the aryan assimilation theory (not invasion... this is based on the fact that Indian languages barring a few like tamil are related to european languages, as well as genetics). It is possible that the upper castes are these aryans, but they are definitely not arabs. If they were, our languages would be similar, but semetic languages are nothing like Indo european languages.
RE:RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 06, 2008 07:58 AM Permalink
correction, I meant our hair is straighter than arabs and our nose shapes are much softer too. If anything, we look like Iranians sometimes, but never arabs. It's impossible for anyone exposed to both to confuse them...