If srilanka stands with this same decision, it will be good. I hope there wont be more blast and killing of innocent people and then srilankan government should not wag their tail and go behind LTTE.
RE:Sri Lanka on alert as government scraps ceasefire agreement
by softouch on Jan 03, 2008 04:19 PM Permalink
The LTTE is a snake. Ask Rajiv Gandhi when you get to hell.
RE:Sri Lanka on alert as government scraps ceasefire agreement
by OM on Jan 03, 2008 04:23 PM Permalink
Hey softtouch, If we can do that, then northen srilanka can be merged with Tamil Nadu in India
RE:Sri Lanka on alert as government scraps ceasefire agreement
by yaaro on Jan 03, 2008 05:46 PM Permalink
true. we Sardar patel shud have done it. None of the southern politicians had the foresight at that time!.
RE:Sri Lanka on alert as government scraps ceasefire agreement
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Jan 03, 2008 04:35 PM Permalink
Why should u want to merge Northern Srilanka, of all the places in world, why do you want to add violent tamil christians and increase Christian population of India, its more advisable to merge italy with India to increase Christian population, sonia Ghandhi can think of forming the next govt again then. Have som brain on your soulders OM instead of garbage
RE:Sri Lanka on alert as government scraps ceasefire agreement
by ashish bhagat on Jan 03, 2008 04:20 PM Permalink
what good ltte has done for india. they are hand in gloves with isi, taliban etc.