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Let me understand this !!!
by kanu kangal on Jan 03, 2008 03:04 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

So lalu's kid get security by govt. while they eve tease ? There is no one in the parliament who would question wasting tax payer's money like this.
ONLY IN INDIA. What a joke. Is'nt eve teasing against law. So let us Lalu's kids are eve teasing and the protector of law or security guys (if they are govt. employee) whom would they protect ? The tax paying citizen who is getting teased or lalu's kid. This is no worse than terrorism is'nt it?

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  RE:Let me understand this !!!
by Mr San Jose on Jan 03, 2008 03:47 AM   Permalink
what a joke? PSOs are there to protect LALU's kids not advice what they should do. Why are you so sensitive and immediately asking about justice on the tax balance sheet? Grow up dude!

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  RE:Let me understand this !!!
by kanu kangal on Jan 03, 2008 04:01 AM   Permalink
Well the big joke is you . Mr jose. You are saying PSO has no responsibility towards law ? Go get a life .

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  RE:Let me understand this !!!
by antonio on Jan 03, 2008 12:11 PM   Permalink
pity this xitian convert jose............anyone supporting antonio urf maino is above law for him........and so is lalu and his pedigree!

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Lalu's two sons thrashed for eve-teasing