Hi Guys Yesterday Islmaic militants attacked our army camp. In which 8 persons lost their lives. But rediff is not giving inmportsnce to that nees, Rather it is giving importance to new related to pakisthan.
by Demo-crazy on Jan 02, 2008 04:23 PM Permalink
added to it, there is lot of confusion about number of terrorists killed - one repo says two killed, another says all escaped.
It is strange, if they could escape that easily. Some compromise, somewhere...
Behenji says her government, her police, her admin are not to be blamed...
by Jagan on Jan 02, 2008 05:21 PM Permalink
S Periyar, Either Postive Or Negative, importance & Highlighting should be given to news from Home than foreign.
by islam_devel on Jan 02, 2008 06:27 PM Permalink
yes, Rediff is working for PAKISTAN, and even i have see from last couple of years................rediff id working for ISI ..?
by Anurag Shrivastava on Jan 02, 2008 07:39 PM Permalink
buddy - they attacked a CRPF camp not the army. The entire unit must be court martialed for incompetence. Its better Rediff does not highlight this.