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What Must Nawaz Sharif do now to save Pakistan
by samir banerjee on Jan 02, 2008 07:26 PM   Permalink

Mr Sharif have realised the cost of hate and
fundamental politic-a national destruction where
Pakistan is to day.A weak and suspect Pakistan
can never be advantage to India as this will be
a pain in the border neck of our country.We want
to see s rational,non fundamental religious and
healthy Pakistan living as peacefully as both side of Gurmany doing now.First thing both the
important parties Muslim League(N) and PPP need
decide that hate INDIA have failed them and if
they persue that then the writing on the wall
is clear-failed and destroyed Pakistan.They
must motivate and modernise their people through
education,science and technology,peacefully
accepting other religion and belief.They must
have realised the futality in resolving their
emotional religious based Kashmir sentiment by
conflict both openly(War) or overtly through
terrorism.This has made INDIA strong within and
Internationally.To the cridid of Mushrraf he did
try to creat ideas out of the box and that is
pragmatic.If Pakistan opens her trade and busi-
ness at all level with India,Pakistan economy
will shine.All previous adminstrators in Pakistan took shelter under US AID umbrela only to collect money to have more arms to be used
against India.In doing so they neglected their
self relience in growing Indistry at the cost
of economic dependence.Indias strength is mostly
on self relience in industry which is showing
growth in economy and betterment to the epople.
World is watching you

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Sharif slams Musharraf again