Sethu Bridge naturally formed - But claimed as Ram Bridge Babri Masjid - Claimed as exact place of Ram birth No opposition when Nehru said Ramanyan was fiction. But sudden BJP fallen in love with Ram for vote. Even Ram would abuse BJP & co for using his name for political business.
RE:Ram Sethu!
by Proton on Feb 29, 2008 09:55 PM Permalink
when british, and mohammads ruled india, shaky dogs like u converted into other relegions to suck their balls. now we will kick ur balls again to straighten u up. first learn ur history, then write something abt others..
RE:Ram Sethu!
by Indian Expatriate on Feb 29, 2008 09:49 PM Permalink
What do you have to say about the crusades? were they not fought for the same piece of land, which Christians and Muslims consider holy?