The following people have opposed the sethusamudram which has nothing to do with the religion
1. Navy - Once opened the way becomes an internaitonal water and US and other powers can pass through that and india has no say. If India blocks the way in future a war against India becomes legal since India is now blocking internaitonal waters.
2.Coast guard - It becomes a security problem since now LTTE boats will have an easier movement
3. Local fisherman- The dredging will cause the dwindling of the fishing there
4. Environmentalists - The coral and other lifeform there will be destroyed
5. Tsunami experst - The people in the west coast of india was saved from the fury of tsunamito a large part becuase of this structure
6.Nuclear physicists - The removal of the structure will cause the washing away of the thorium resrves on the coast of kerala by the tides
Next the economic reasoning 1. The main reason was for big ships to pass. But the Shipping Corporation of India has said even after the dredging the big ships cannot pass. If this is the case then the whole economic feasibility is gone as the money comes from there
2.The soil dredged keeps flowing back. Where is the soil that has been dredged so far gone. Eevry 6months to a year this soil keeps flowing back to the area. one has to contstantly remove the soil
Political reasoning. The congress which is so lackadaisical in moving with every project of note is so keen to move forward with this one which has been opposed
RE:RE:congress is fooling the people of india
by Krish on Feb 29, 2008 09:21 PM Permalink
Excellent reasoning. But you forgot, how do Baalu and Karuna make money then (apart from deriving perverse pleasure in proving ant-hindu credentials)