RE:Pseudo Nationalist Party BJP
by Ashok Chand on Mar 01, 2008 12:08 AM Permalink
Here is another Pseudo Nationalist..who thinks Man Mohan and chdambram as jehadi. From where does jehadi come into picture? Are you sane or drunk?
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RE:RE:Pseudo Nationalist Party BJP
by Ashok Chand on Mar 01, 2008 12:15 AM Permalink
Who cares what % goes to Muslims as long as our GDP is good and economy is good! I cannot think of this situation if Pseudo Nationalist were in power...thank god!
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RE:Pseudo Nationalist Party BJP
by Ashok Chand on Mar 01, 2008 12:13 AM Permalink
I know you are a frustrated about BJP not at the center. That is why you call all Congress men and it's supporters as paki. Grow up kid. Just show me one sentence which is wrong in my post.
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