I have just started a new religion. I am it's first and last Popot Lal. My God is 'uparwala'. My servent is 'nichewala'. My holi book is 'Keyboard'. Those who are interested to join my religion can stand in line with Rs. 99 in hand as admission fee. Becareful. No 'chutta' here.
RE:New religion
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 08:52 PM Permalink
You are too late! I have already started a new religion and I am offering 144 virgins each to anybody willing to join my band-wagon!!!!!!!
RE:RE:New religion
by Chandra Prakash on Feb 27, 2008 09:03 PM Permalink
JGN Puttar, it is a matter of copy right. Let's short it out. And than, we can always do 'mandali', isn't it ? Great people should not fight among themselves like jehadies.
RE:RE:New religion
by Chandra Prakash on Feb 27, 2008 09:04 PM Permalink
Pacific Puttar, it is not talak that you have to say it 3 times. Please deposit your fees to Mr. Tathagata Mukherjee. He is my cashier.