LORD KRISHNA Lord krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree top just to get a panoramic view. Does he have divine immunity from looking at naked women? The Gita, a Holy book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste girls begged for the return of their clothes, Lord Krishna demanded that they come out of the water with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies. Oh my innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to god? Is this God capable of indulging in such ungodly acts? Will Hindu mothers tolerate their son imitating god Krishna??
THE RIDDLE OF RAMA AND KRISHNA The "Times of India" reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called "The Riddles of Hinduism" by Dr. Ambedkar. The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused the ire of some Brahmins, particularly the author's observation on Rama & Dasharth's many wives and also Krishna's moral character. (The Riddles of Rama and Krishna is available from Dalit Saithya Academy, Bangalore-3).