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Ancient Indian beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 10:19 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The sages who sought to know how the universe was created maintained that the entire universe originated from a single primal principle called SAT. They believed that by whatever name god is worshipped, the worship ultimately reaches SAT or this divine principle. This thought helped to develop the idea of religious tolerance among the majority in India.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:21 PM   Permalink
You seems to be RSS guy, we can have healthy debate, If you want.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:27 PM   Permalink
first of all, what do you see as extreme result of this voilence? And what do you want? What should be done with whole muslim? tell me your desire.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:37 PM   Permalink
I am 500% agree with your first statement."Not only muslims but every one should get rid of religious dogmas".

But this is very psychological, voilence can be anywhere. If there will be Jews in place of muslim. You guys digg their book and religion.

If there is no voilence b/w Muslims and other religions. There will inside religions. e.g. Shia and Sunni, in hindus you can see fwd Vs dalits.

If not inside religion then in family. Brothers do fight in single family. This is natural cycle dude.

But thing is we shoudl resolve these issues by debating, taking people in streamline. but not by hatered them

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by KK on Feb 27, 2008 10:47 PM   Permalink
I agree with you mr Amit.
We should resolve this issues by debating and have a mutual understanding of each others belief and respect each others belief no matter wat religion you follow.but not Hate and spread Hatred by abusing there religion etc.
This is real Humanity.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:49 PM   Permalink
Mr JGN, I didnt report a message a abuse, trust me.

and next speak logically. You read 50000 books. But debating like infant. Be logical and open your mind. And let me introduce you my self. I am not Athiest. I am religious person. And I am not favouring muslims here. I am just trying to explain a situation we the whole world can face. If we dont resolve this problem.Thats it. Your whole intention is to explain your capacity of reading books only. I appreciate you read 50K books so far. and a lot of fake knowledge you gained.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 10:53 PM   Permalink
Are you halucinating? Where have I written that I have read 50000 books? Are you on drugs? Leave it man. Don't try to teach a person like me. Anyway I cannot continue now. May be another day.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:57 PM   Permalink
any ways nice talking to you Mr JGN

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  RE:RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by Amit Kumar on Feb 27, 2008 10:52 PM   Permalink
I know, people who are getting violent belongs to any religion are doing murder of humanity.We should collectively resolve this issue.

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  RE:Ancient Indian beliefs
by JGN on Feb 27, 2008 10:24 PM   Permalink
Yes. You are most welcome. Pl start!!!!!!

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