by p k on Feb 18, 2008 07:47 PM Permalink
Dumb..dont u have ur election I card??? but wat is surprising is....the paki have something like that!!!
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by on Feb 18, 2008 08:00 PM Permalink
In India it is only a voter card. Any and everybody has one or more. In India there is also a PAN card but it is of not much use except to a few honest taxpayer. Then there are many not so many not-so-honest taxpayers who have more than one PAN card. Unfortunately, and regretably, there is no NATIONAL ID card in India that's why we have so many faltus coming in and out and the cops have no clue.
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by p k on Feb 18, 2008 08:04 PM Permalink
delhi LG tried to introduce one...and he was almost on the verge of being sacked!! dude thats india...overseas...u hv all ur biodata behind that a contrast²²
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by on Feb 18, 2008 08:32 PM Permalink
Shame on Sheela Digsh*t and Sonia govt. Suppose to catch up with the Porkies we'll have to wait till we have a ruling party with out several cruches.
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by on Feb 18, 2008 08:03 PM Permalink
Apologies that line should read: Then there are many not-so-honest taxpayers who have more than one PAN card.
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by Netflix on Feb 19, 2008 08:24 AM Permalink
Because communists and secular brigade think that having real ID card is harmful to interest of minority (read Bangaldeshi buggers settled by CPM and Congress in W. Bengal and Assam).
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