What bearing does this message have for ANYONE? some temple cow died and its ashes are sent to India? Thats great, but its not news material folks - Im sure rediff can do better.
by abcd abcd on Feb 14, 2008 04:52 AM Permalink
No she was Jersey cow and Belgian too as the article says.. I wonder if that cow as Indian or Hindu enough for the temple. Maybe the priests had to give her a bath in go-mutra (cow piss) from an Indian cow in Varanasi first to let her into the temple. BTW, do the titties of indian cows feel any different from european cows?
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 14, 2008 02:58 PM Permalink
well the troubling part is some self proclaimed group and champion seems to act and speak out on the matter representing all Hindus to outsiders. Thats the troubling part.