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Thats being ignorant
by rashmi sharma on Feb 14, 2008 02:43 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Do you guys understand the plight of Indians living overseas? There are other topics in life for people apart from your usual troubles of pollution, economy etc. This was not just a moment of a cow being slaughtered but also sheds light on some difficult moments Indians face abroad. DONT forget that India is shining because Indians overseas are playing a vital role in it! If we are worried about you guys in India, you can show some courtesy by showing some worry for our concerns, Thank you!

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by rigved dubhashi on Feb 14, 2008 03:27 AM   Permalink
Plight of Indians living overseas? What about the plight of Indians living in India? No one has asked you to leave the country and stay elsewhere. If you are having issues you are welcome back to India. Regarding your belief that India is shining because of Indians overseas - ma'am show me your contribution in that.

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by chaits baghel on Feb 14, 2008 03:13 AM   Permalink
By your words it seems like you are a target of hate and that can happen to any individual of any religion and color. Seems like Indians living overaseas need more protection than indians living in india. I am in Toronto and never ever came across any kind of hate targetted towards being indian. In india there is caste and people and animals. some animals we worship and some animals we hate but so much concern for a cow in I guess every cow or dog deserves the sacred ritual in the end. Have been in UK, USA and all over Canada and have met thousands of indians eating beef thinking religion and talkin bad about India. Some are here coz they were not able to live down there, some coz they had nowhere to go and some are here coz they wanted to make more money. If a Cow is your concern and not human life than doesnt matter where you are - you will be hated.

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by Ajit Birdi on Feb 14, 2008 05:23 AM   Permalink
Yes sure Rashmi sharma, Indians living abroad should also follow the rules,with so many problems with cows such as Mcd, Foot and Mouth they should also learn that sick animals which can not be cured are also a threat to both Humans and other animals.
If British and europiums can slaughter there sick cows with out question in thousands, what is one sick and incurables cow.
It should have bee killed long ago sacred or not,it servers no purpose.
Learn to live by the law and order of the country you are in, by the way India do not have any law or order.
It is a lawless country.

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 14, 2008 02:56 PM   Permalink
Rightly said Ajit.

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by Maharaj Malik on Feb 14, 2008 03:04 AM   Permalink
why are you in abroad then. I dont need your sacrifice - i mean it :D come back home dear

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by rigved dubhashi on Feb 14, 2008 03:12 AM   Permalink
hahahahahaha good one :-)

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  RE:RE:Thats being ignorant
by Tom Dick on Feb 14, 2008 07:11 PM   Permalink
Who asked you to go abroad if you face problems? You left your motherland for greener pastures (Oh! not mentioning cows) and send money to your relatives. Or did you set up huge industry whereby you offered jobs to thousands of Indians?

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  RE:Thats being ignorant
by Kevin on Feb 14, 2008 03:58 AM   Permalink
India is shining because of indians overseas??? thats a joke ... and thats a joke that even NRI appeasing politicians and western governments thought of publically claiming... Guess you are yet another ABCD searching for desi roots in a confused culture that you want credit for india's shinning...

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British temple cow's ashes immersed