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Stop mollycoddling China
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Feb 12, 2008 07:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

China's brazen behaviour is proof enough, if proof were needed in the first place, that Beijing has never been, nor will ever be, a friend of India. We are their topmost rivals, in Asia, and the Chinese know it well. There is no need to fear China. Despite all its gung-ho economic miracle, China remains a thrid-rate country. Millennia of state control and regimentation have made it so. Ours is an open, vibrant culture, far superior in every respect. China is Bluster outwards, Paranoid inside. India must dismantle the corrurpt Nehruvian-Congress-Commie edifice, which is the root cause of our problems. A US-India alliance is a natural one, as even the Yanks are going to need us in an increasingly friendless world. Let the liberals yell all they like.

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  RE:Stop mollycoddling China
by Vijay Vijay on Feb 12, 2008 09:16 PM   Permalink
Yes; you are right! There is no need to fear China - the only people needed to be weeded out are the fifth column for the Chinks in India - the commies. Without them, India can improve very much, have lots of confidence which the commies keep puncturing always. If only we consign this effeminate "Nehruism" to the dustbin where it rightfully belongs, we can be seen as a real sovereign country by the world community.

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