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How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by Singha on Feb 12, 2008 06:47 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

1936 - muslim population 50 million
2006 - it is less than 10 million.

1947-muslim population 30 million
2007, muslim population in India 200 million

In Western China where muslims were once a majority, han chinese have been settled in. arabic script and skull cap is banned; koran meetings and haj disallowed; beard length regulated, maulvi's speeches need prior clearance from government; islam lost its base and most musims in china rightly have given up on islam. (This is the reason why, not infrequently, you see chinese being beaten up/killed in pakistan - NWFP)

China strictly regulates and monitors Vatican. Pope was not allowed to step into China, whereas the worthy entered india and highlighted that indian souls are ready to be harvested. sonia gandi is powerfully representing these totalitarian and dark forces.

Chinese know how to deal with islam. In India, nehru, a pervert, screwed up big time by encouraging totalitarian islamism and christianism in the name of secularism while suppressing tolerant hinduism as communal.

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  RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by s n on Feb 13, 2008 01:13 PM   Permalink
one thing u understand singha, they don't have election in their country, we have election & vote bank dirty politics that is democrecy

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  RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by Sandeep khaitan on Feb 12, 2008 07:13 PM   Permalink
Great peice of Information Mr. Singha.. need more people like u to screw up the scoundrels

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  RE:How China Screwed Islam and Christianism
by Mihir Shah on Feb 12, 2008 10:07 PM   Permalink
Well said.

If only people like Raj Thakeray understood the broader implications of China's actions and fought to raise awareness for such issues instead of indulging in petty bickering to grab power!!!

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