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why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:17 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
We were SONE KI CHIDIYA once upon a time..parantu..Sadiyon se hi bharat desh par aatankiyon ke aatank hote rahe hain...
While British Rule is considered to be ghulaami..the mughal period is considered to be a golden period?? why??? any anwers to it..
The HIND has been attacked, divided, looted since centuries..
Still the cancer and scars exists in our divided country...
& in the modern times too ..we are surrounded by more number of hostile coutries ..(nepal bhi kabhi kabhi aankhen dikha hi deta hai ) rather than friends inspite of our Universal brotherhood policy...

I do not know what is the solution until and unless we all unite as an Indian only and i reiterate Indian only shedding the regionalism, religionism, casteism & just say INDIA INDIA INDIA..
& no one should be spared spreading terrorism. It is the bad people who spread te bad things..chahe wo kisi bhi dharm ka mazhab ke hon..

& this fight of Dharm- ADAHRM, SATYA- ASATYA continues always..

but yet again..i would like to conclude by the GEETA SLOKA..
paritranaya sadhunam, vinashay cha dushkratam, abhyut-thanam adharmasya..sambhavami uge uge..


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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:25 PM   Permalink
According to Mere (Mother, Aurobindo), all the dark forces of nature are in play in India. When India awakens a new light will dawn the world.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:27 PM   Permalink
Don't loose perspective of reality and get into poetic talk. I know very from where your ideas are coming from as I have been involved with many such organization. Get result and action-oriented.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:41 PM   Permalink
yes, that does not mean my ideas are original.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:45 PM   Permalink
whatever be the path of truth..but the truth must unite NOW...& stop fighting amongst ourselves..its true that we have disintegrated in terms of land but our ideas, values, virtues, morals still surivives & we need to build on them to fight against all ODDS...
SO INDIANS have to come forward now & beware of dirty politicians..

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:38 PM   Permalink
i only quoted someone, i do not belong to any organization, i am against centralizing power. dont you think we face every single problem the world faces ? every single problem the world faces we face (that is dark forces, for the non poetic). we have dealt with situations much better than any other civilization has, we have survived what egypt and greeks could not and we have shown the world how to do it. recently the way we won our freedom showed the black americans the way in their civil right movement. i am not loosing sight of reality, you are loosing penetrability
because of bias.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:43 PM   Permalink
I understand what you are talking about. And I have also written extensively about why Indian civilization has survived. Here is a brief. Secularism & democracy are the foundations of Hinduism. Caste saved India from dark days by providing some basic purpose in life. Religion is One and should be limited to Human Character and Human Values with One Common Law encouraging people to develop their Body and Mind, Emotions and Intellect, Creativity and Consciousness. The caste is a scientific concept but has been abused and distorted by confused people. It basically means that to live life intelligently we need to effectively balance the 4-forces within - Thinker, Protector, Economist, Worker - and also while governing society. This is all based on natural human intelligence. The roots of the ancient Indian philosophy which goes by the name Hinduism is actually secular, logical and universal. The idols symbolize objectives in life: Shiva (freedom), Durga (Strength), Saraswati (Knowledge), Lakshmi (Wealth), Ganesh (Wisdom). Life is God. These Goddesses are not really goddesses per se but symbolize the objectives of the pursuit of human life. All civilized societies in the world practice this in principle as it is the natural & true meaning of 'secularism' & 'humanism' followed by all. Check out, A Religion Called 'Human', for more details. Things are simple, we complicate.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:47 PM   Permalink
yes, read "god without religion" by sankara saranam. you will like it, from what i read from your posts.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:20 PM   Permalink
Having Uniform Civil Code and one-law for all irrespective of religion will make all equal and civilized. But Muslims will never agree to this even if the whole world does. Let's not waste time just keep lies, arguments and bombings going forever. All this talk about Sufism and all is waste of time. Instead of thinking big we have to go so low down.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:22 PM   Permalink
Freedom with proper "Self" and universal responsibility and some common-sense in keeping one's focus into life affirmative values is enough religion for all. You will notice that only mediocre and confused people talk all the time about God. Which is basically an escapist idea and hiding their own incompetency. That is why we see all developed countries in the world are 'secular' to keep these religious people on the fringes, and excel in life, sports and work. Others take people straight towards psychiatric treatment. India is doing better because majority of people believe in this. The more people believe in this more change will happen.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 10, 2008 11:44 PM   Permalink
Hello Friend,
"While British Rule is considered to be ghulaami..the mughal period is considered to be a golden period?? why??? any anwers to it.."
If U believe that then U R doomed.... Mughals/Pathans destroyed India, and British rule gave us the English Language and the Western Education, so that we can produce Brilliant Desis anywhere in the world, and look at Desis in San Jose, CA how Indians are doing....
The ONLY solution to our Jehadi problem is to have a Leader like Modiji who can fix things, as he has shown in Gujarat.
Wake up, don't wait for a Leader, our Leader is already here, help him to be the PM, and save our beloved Sanatansthan.
And don't say Hind was attacked and looted...this has been happening after the Mad Culture appeared in the Camelsthan, as the Prophet himself looted everyone there.
Nobody looted India before 700 AD. Persians, Greeks, Kushans built India as they loved this culture, even though all of them had different religions. It's the Mad Culture which destroyed Iran, India and Central Asia.
Finally Mohammed Gandhi divided India to create a Long Lasting problem, as his Master British wanted.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:52 PM   Permalink
you should be quite a moron to think the british were more useful to us than the muslims. the muslims integrated with india and our culture, the bristish never did. the muslims made india there home, the british never did. not all was good for the hindus when we were ruled by mulims, but not all was good for the hindus when we were ruled by hindus either. no civilization falls unless it has already decayed within, muslims were only an excuse to rule over the decay and ofcourse we decyed further under them.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:57 PM   Permalink
Thank the British for the reinstating the ideas of education, democracy, secularism and industrialization inspite of many other negatives. When our own value system is wrong one one has to last by playing manipulative games and preventing one fall from another -- and thus drag on life like a 'worn-out' coat just to survive with false ego boost and clever tricks.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by stav on Feb 11, 2008 12:02 AM   Permalink
democracy and secularism from the bristish, what are you talking about ?

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  RE:RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:30 AM   Permalink
I think U r right 100% in the negative direction, that the Mad Culture from Camelsthan, also known as Islam gave us Democracy, Secularism, Education, Sharia etc. As Islam mandates, Mo is the Last Prophet, which definitely proves the case for Democracy.
Also note the fact that we as Bengalees conspired with the British, persuaded them to invade Sirauj's Army and win via a mock fight, only to save India from the ever-lasting Darkness, which came upon us since 1100 AD.

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by friend friend on Feb 10, 2008 11:53 PM   Permalink
Mr someone,
i know ur feelings are similar to that what many feel.
But what I have written initially is what is there in the Govt books & journals provided by our govt of India.

But, my message again is that we must now uNITe..against the evil..bahut politics h chuki hai..ab bas..COME ON INDIA

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  RE:why is everyone trying to destroy India since anicent times???
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:21 AM   Permalink
We R united, I have Muslims as friends who love India as their Motherland, and are ready to die for India, but they R not Islamic, they R very very secular and also practical, unlike the Bakra known as Zakir Naik. Netaji also showed us how to unite and organise masses by uttering Jai Hind. Muslims should realize that they R misusing the free Unaccounted Saudi Money, and just looking at Pak we see it is backfiring on them. We can only hope that Muslims should kill each other little faster so that we can live peacefully. And it is not Pak, Iraq is doing the same thing. In Iran also general public is totally fed up with Mullahs. My prediction is by 2120-2150 Islam will be history. The real cause of terrorism is the Saudi Money. Once this is stopped, terrorism would fade....

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