RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 02:16 AM Permalink
did u ever reported about the bribes you take from people?? did u ever broke a law? you playing all sought of games to save few hundred rupees from TAX. and u say u r an Indian..shame on u? if u were a true indian then u wont comment on Muslims in such a nasty shows ur ill-mind and ill-heart which is full of RSS ideology..which is based on HATE.
RE:RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:25 AM Permalink
my dear friend Shahab, there is no use of telling them about what is good or bad. they are just filthy holes filled with anti-islamic sentiments.
They can ask anything about islamic in a pathetic manner which hurts relgious sentiments, but when i asked them about authenticity of their religion no one gave clear answer for a single question and reported abuse for my posts. there is no use here. do go in this forum more.
i am leaving and going for sleep. u too do the same as it is of no use, they wont listen, they just keep on barking like an astray dog
RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:47 AM Permalink
thats y one jehadi fights people who can outnumber him, and RSS fight by outnumbering people
RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by india salute on Feb 11, 2008 03:18 AM Permalink
Hi Francis Alvarez, I have gone through your few post and I think your education is from a madrasa and your brain is washed by Imam. Here topic is terrorist activity (Militants involved in IISc, CRPF camp attacks arrested) and it was found that all people arrested are from Islam community. I'm not saying all muslim is bad because there are good muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji etc. How do you compare traffic law with terrorist activity? It is so foolish. I think you should know different kind of law like crininal law, cvil law etc..I think you should first go to some civilized good school for education ( NOT IN MADRASA) and then come to a forum for any discussion..
RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Onie on Feb 11, 2008 03:24 AM Permalink
Good points - until Muslims start getting as outraged at other Muslims suiciding bombing innocent men and women in the name of Islam as they do at the length of Sania Mirza's tennis uniform, they cannot start winning the affection of other faiths.
RE:RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:34 AM Permalink
yeah u r right Mr.Onie..sania's dress code doesnt match Islamic standard...and so do urs??? not only me but whole India will love to watch ur daughter in two piece swim suit if she get selected in national swimming competition..may be ur religion allow her to wear swim suits
RE:RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:58 AM Permalink
muslims are dare to do much more things and they can do and they have done it. but our discussion was not going on this topic. dont come up with out of discussion topics
RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:22 AM Permalink
are u really a indian? If we keep aside traffic rules also, there are many criminal activities going around us. have u ever reported it to any authority
RE:RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Onie on Feb 11, 2008 03:29 AM Permalink
Francis - one can only report if one knows about the crime. If I knew where Dawood lives, I promise I would call the police LOL. The real point is not that - the real point is that how come more Muslims are not vocally outraged by Muslim terrorists who blow up innocents in the name of Islam. How come the same Muslims are violently offended if some Danish newspaper carries some cartoons? I mean where is their sense of proportion - that is the question being raised and it is a valid question.
RE:Reply required from so called good, moderate, rational and forward (bla.. bla.. bla..) minded Muslims
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 01:56 AM Permalink
do u inform authorities for even a single law break or even one who break the traffic rules? Are u a real indian?
Muslims should do everything, tell me have u ever done?