RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by amit on Feb 11, 2008 02:03 AM Permalink
i am sure you are a RSS cadre,with RSS idiology, provoking us start communal rights.. if you have wasted that much time to figure out from 622AD until 2008..then better you would have also followed ahimsa...Path of Mahatma Gandhi...with sadachar, and non-corrupt society.
RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 02:53 AM Permalink
Mr.shekhar what about Pandavs???
can you please throw some light upon Draupdi..sharing 5 husbands???
why Lord Krishna shows the path of stealing???
why Lord Krishna want to kill kauravs..and those also by their own brothers???
which God invoke terrorism...i never came through any of the Gods in any religious scriptures except HINDU's "Mahabharat"
Explain me please.?
aftr clarifying this stance then only u criticise others.
Advise:- Read your books as well as Quran ..and do comparative study.
RE:RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by Praveen on Feb 11, 2008 09:33 AM Permalink
1. What is wrong with Draupadi sharing 5 husbands?. If women can share men then men can also share women.
2. No one in the Hindu mythology (yes I believe its half symbolic and half truth) is a God. Everyone may have to face the consequences of their Karma. You know how Krishna died?. Do you know how Krishnas 'kula' (tribe) perished?. Btw stealing is mentioned as a childish prank. Krishna was a human being (remember that).
3. If brothers are wrong doers one has to fight them. It would have been great if Muslims followed this (stop supporting Jehadis).
4. Krishna is a vendanti guru. I will explain "God" later.
Mr.Shahab, the followers of Sanatana Dharma (let us call them Hindus) do not consider any particular person as God. For us everyone is a projection God (called brahmam). Do you know why the world exists?. It is because of your consciousness. So the world is consciousness (brahmam). The quest of a vedanti is seek oneness with brahmam by practising yogic life (meditation etc).There is no you and I, there is only I....(I am stopping here).
In Indian civilisation everyone can choose to live a free life. You see so many "Gods" in India. One can be a Vedanti or a pure idol worshipper. There is space for all levels of IQ.
Does Islam have anything good to offer ? I will be grateful to accept. But having 72 virgins and 28 boys as the aim of life is disgusting to say the least.
RE:RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by Praveen on Feb 11, 2008 09:48 AM Permalink
And one more thing. All other religions (including the once brutal Christianity) have evolved over time. They understand the shortcomings of their thoughts and try to improve upon it. The western civilisation has contributed so much to human progress. Its because they grew above church and religion, embraced science and free thought. The Indian civilization was once great. Remember Columbus went out to find India not US. But the Muslim invasion took a heavy toll.
Muslims are the only people who think that a text wrote in 6AD is the ultimate truth. Nevertheless, Islam is not a religion its a political agenda. An agenda to impose Sharia upon humanity. Its basic quest is for power and s*x. Read Muhammeds history and you will understand that. Someone should measure the average IQ of the "true" Muslims. It could be revealing.
RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 02:30 AM Permalink
and so in hinduism...Mahabharat..killings of ur own brothers.... and preached none other than your own GOD KRISHNA???
RE:RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by TOTAL TRUTH on Feb 11, 2008 05:52 AM Permalink
dont preach mahabarat as if u r an authority of religious subject.thefacts and figures provided by francis is an eyeopener and a fact that cannot be forseen lets talk of today YES ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS BUT ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS and that is a fact.
RE:Francis Alvarez , a hidden name is misleadin the innocents, HISTORY OF JIHAD (ISLAMIC CRIMANLITY)
by KK on Feb 11, 2008 02:25 AM Permalink
The above quotes were given by An Indian is that Jehad of Colonialism.Then Europeans have many Jehads in NorthAmerica,Entire South America,Africa,Asia or you can Say Entire World. Understand the difference between Colonialism and Jehad. This jehadis are different from the invasions you are taking about. In this Invasions People were not Brutally killed as the Jehadis kill by Sucide bombings.