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by lancer on Feb 10, 2008 11:00 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

muslims , muslims n more muslims , why do this religion produces antinational and mass killers ? any abosolute reply ?

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by Fried Yakov on Feb 10, 2008 11:29 PM   Permalink
There should be a policy for all terrorists killed in encounters to be buried along with the head / body of slaughterd swine. This will have a psychological deterrent effect of those wishing to be jihadis. Just like the ravaging islamic armies of the middle ages who used to drive flocks of cattle ahead of them to thwart the response of the Hindu armies thay were attacking, the India security forces should develop a method of using flocks of hugry swine / boars to charge at hidden terrorists when they are engaged in an encounter with them. The boar / swine shall force the terrorists out of their enclosure making them sitting prey to the bullets of the security forces.

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by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:05 AM   Permalink
My Friend Yakov,
Interesting ideas...but Modiji has already shown that in Gujarat by killing Sohrabuddin, that there is no comprise with Terrorists. We must kill them first before they kill us. But our Dhamna PM had disagreed on that, so what can U do, unless this Dhamna is replaced.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:05 PM   Permalink
When you do not have an vision for excellence, or passion to push yourself into higher levels, and you want to legalize lower values, then you can create a cult which glorifies "goondaism" as that is the only way you can survive? By holding other people at ransom, and blaming them for your miseries. That is what kidnappers do. Don't they? The funny part, is that they do not have the common sense to understand that if majority of people become like them, what will happen?

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by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:08 PM   Permalink
There are many versions of islam, india had the Sufi version and it is a sublime religion. The version we see today which is propagated is the wahabi version, that si because of petro dollars.
we need to keep the wahabi version out, people like zakir naik and other fundamentalist have to be kept in check.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:15 PM   Permalink
Having Uniform Civil Code and one-law for all irrespective of religion will make all equal and civilized. But Muslims will never agree to this even if the whole world does. Let's not waste time just keep lies, arguments and bombings going forever. All this talk about Sufism and all is waste of time. It is just that many Muslims countries are more distorted and say music and dance is banned in Islam which is basically considered a part of Sufism. Instead of thinking big we have to go so low down.

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by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:19 PM   Permalink
if one cannot think progressivel and big, one should not make decisions, that appart, yes one should have uniform civil code and the people who will benefit from are muslims and ofcourse Sufism is should take the place of wahabism, that is the solution to exteremism from certain quarters.

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Militants in IISc, CRPF attacks held