SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977- it got inspiration from fundamentalist Shah Wahiullah who invited Afghans to invade India in early 18th century to restore Muslim Rule in India.
Who founded SIMI is now associated with Library of Harvard, who occassionally confuse people.
Congress asked to find out Muslims in Indian Army because of him.
Imagine a situation if Muslims were 20% of Indian Army !
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by Fried Yakov on Feb 10, 2008 10:55 PM Permalink
That is OK, but do you realise that unless India firmly and fast decides that the cancer that affects 20 % of its populace now is to be treated with radical surgical measures, the cancer is going to grow and engulf the whole of India very soon, and we shall soon see re-establishment of Mughal rule in India. Even countries like France and Germany are facing similar problems, though they are camouflaged with socioeconomic issues. Cancer grows fast unless treated surgically.
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:04 PM Permalink
i think we have been able to integrate with the muslims far better than the west. Germany and France and others are unable to integrate, well there is no compulsion to integrate and they need to find a way out. in our case muslms and hindus have no economic gradient as in the west. we have done a good job till date, lets not ruin it by taking there example. the richest muslim entrepreneur is indian that shows we can integrate well and still prosper. what needs to be handled well is the wahabi and extremist islam.
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by Confused Mind on Feb 10, 2008 11:08 PM Permalink
They have integrated because 80% of Indians are non-Muslims. Do not compare, Azim Premji or Abdul Kalam to Muslims? They are just born in that religion but are totally different people. They are enlightened global citizens.
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by someone on Feb 11, 2008 12:45 AM Permalink
For your information Abdul Kalam is the ONLY Muslim I know who is a Vegetarian, and lead a very spiritual life. Vegetarianism is against Islam, this Mad Culture mandates the Qurbaani type of killing of animals to make Halal Meat.
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by recalcitrant on Feb 11, 2008 01:34 AM Permalink
someone - mind your language. Islam doesn't say you HAVE to eat non-veg to become Muslim. Holy Quran prohibits eating certain type of meat, including pork. Read for yourself before you share your immature thoughts.
For argument sake, I can quote numerous examples to say your religion is MAD. But Islam promotes harmony and encourages to respect other religions and people. So, as a Muslim, I can't stoop down to your level.
RE:SIMI was founded in Aligarh Muslim University in 1977
by stav on Feb 10, 2008 11:12 PM Permalink
what makes you think other muslims cannot be global citizens, becoming a global citizen requires you to look beyond one little boundaries and conditioning and that does not come with a tag of any religion, one can be as closed minded even if one is a hindu or christian.